Check Out Our Extended Inventory of Pre-owned Harley-Davidsons
Purchasing a used bike can be a cost effective way to own your dream Harley®.
With a wide selection of bikes ranging from cruisers, sportsters and touring bikes, AdamecHarley-Davidson® has a variety of well-maintained pre-owned motorcycles for you to choose from.
When purchasing a bike, it is our goal to provide you with a pleasant experience. Prior to making a decision on a used motorcycle, keep in mind these simple tips:
Request Harley-Davidson® Information:
You can request information regarding the bikes that are currently on the market for purchase so that you can compare the selling price to its accurate value. -
Freight Fees:
Be prepared that there may be a freight fee associated with your purchase. This ensures that your bike is brought in and assembled properly.
Hang Tags:
If you do not see a price hang tag on the bike of your choice, you can request a price from the dealership salesperson. If the price does not seem correct, ask multiple times from multiple salespeople to ensure that you are receiving accurate information. -
What is your score?:
You are always welcomed to ask a Harley® motorcycle location for their customer service score. This score is a reflection on how the dealer is going to treat you during and after the sale. -
Pre-owned Warranties:
Previously owned motorcycles may be sold “As-Is” with a limited dealership warranty or with a Harley-Davidson® factory warranty. Whatever the coverage is, make sure you know what warranty you qualify for before you sign that dotted line.
Before you invest in your bike, let one of our experienced Adamec Harley-Davidson® specialists answer any questions you may have and provide you with tips to consider when purchasing a motorcycle that will best fit your needs. With our extensive selection, we are sure to have all that you are looking for and so much more.
Image Courtesy of: TopSpeed